2013 is Here!
January 22, 2013
2013 is here already (actually almost 1/15th gone!) and once again I've been so busy I've gotten little done music wise since I last posted. While it does not sound like good news it does mean I've been busy working on other projects over the last two months. Otherwise I've been taking what little time I have to enjoy some activities like skiing, rollerskating and rollerblading, as well as some volley ball (yes, indoor or course.)
Well, I guess I did get a few things done music wise, but as it's been nearly three months it feels like very little. I completed two new electronic tunes for the Electrification Project and my coming album! I also managed to get a site and Facebook fan page up to try and promote it some and share updates and samples as I work. Just check out ElectrificationProject.com for links to all the pages and info I currently have to share on the project...and of course the samples!
FYI music for the short film I was working on has been set aside for the time being as I had no time of late to really focus on it. I hope to get back to it soon, but with so much going on and the album I'm working on it may not take priority for a while. Other than that things have been pretty normal.
Hope to have more to share soon as well as some updated music samples from my latest and forthcoming works.
Jonathan Williams