
What's in the "Mix"

February 25, 2013

Well, time has flow by the last few weeks as it has now been nearly a month since my last post. Of late I've been working on a few new songs with vocals. Trying to get a good mix and arrangement for them has been a bit tough at times. I've not done a lot when it comes to recording or mixing vocals into my projects, so this is mostly new territory, but still quite fun as I improve and expand my skills in this area.

In addition I am getting started on some music work

Getting Back To Work

October 19, 2012

It's been some time since I last posted, but that is because I took some time away while vacationing with family and friends, and generally having some outdoor fun before winter sets in. During this time I did do a little composing work and have a semi-finished tune to hopefully add to the music page soon! Stay posted for that and other coming samples and downloads.

Work on the short film...

New Instrument Sounds!

September 19th, 2012

Just yesterday I received my order for some new sampled instrument sound libraries! This is exciting for me as I will have a lot more options to work with and better quality sounds....which means better sounding finished music! Hoping to get it all installed and set up today so I can produce some new tunes and samples to share.

As for recent happenings....