
Everything is lost!

July 31st, 2014

Well, this post is major news, though very bad news. The post will be short as major complications of a Hard Drive failure have left all recent music production, files, programs, and so much more completely inaccessible!!! We are trying to restore data or at least be able to access and regain my important files, but have had no luck thus far. Anyone have suggestions on software to try? Most of what we have used has been fruitless. Keeping our fingers crossed...


Site Under Rebuild

August 17th, 2012

Due to a major server error the entire database and nearly all website content was lost. This is a huge setback in production as all the work must be redone from scratch. From here the site will be rebuilt, but that will take months again. For the time being you can contact me with any music service inquiries or general questions.

Jonathan Williams